Security for explosive liquids transport
Today, without Optimgaz treatment, a truck that has collected V.O.C from a petrol station, is representing an explosion risk equivalent to 600 Kilos of Dynamite (APTH source).
Once the Fuel vapor has been treated before being collected by the Tank truck, the "triangle fire" is broken. The truck becomes harmless.
On Site Security
The fuel vapors collected during phase 2 are increasing the pressure in the Tanks containing the fuel.
This is producing vapor emanations through the "technical access" and sometimes up to the cashier desk.
During its process, Optimgaz Equipment perfectly equalizes the pressures between all the petrol station's tanks.
The tanks are recovering an atmospheric pressure. Therefore, if the tank sealant is perfect, the V.O.C vapors which is heavier than the air is not a danger anymore.
The petrol station staff and customers will be less exposed to the benzen and aromatics that are contained into the fuel.
The technical staff will be less exposed to explosion dangers.